Newest to my collection is this absolutely amazing hand engraved skull and crossbones secret society two cent coin. It reminds me of a wax seal matrix.
So, this coin represents the Skull and Bones Society which was founded in 1832. It is an undergraduate (alumni) secret society at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, and the members are known as, "Bonesmen". Among some of the prominent alumni members were former Presidents William Howard Taft, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush and former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, amongst many others.
The number 322 is the society's emblem and refers to the death of Demosthenes, a Greek orator, who died in 322 BC. It is believed that the Greek goddess Eulogia, the goddess of eloquence, came down from the heavens and took up residence in the tomb of the Skull and Bones. Huh?
Okay, I believe some of these Bonesmen had a little too much to drink the night they came up with 322 because I'm having a hard time finding the connection between Demosthenes' death in 322 B.C. and the goddess Eulogia, but it is a secret society's emblem, so perhaps we're not supposed to know what the true meaning is-after all, it IS a secret.... But if anyone knows more about this legend, please post a message.
Anyway, I'll be using this coin to reproduce memento mori sterling silver earrings, minus the 322.
So keep a weather eye on Metal Corset.